Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Remembering That Bouquet But Forgetting About What It's Missing

Tonight I had a very interesting conversation with an old friend. It's been so long since we've shared words with each other. I'm so glad we got to catch up. I love people and talking!

When I got home from school, I took the longest nap ever. Talk about a power nap! Every second of sleep was simply amazing to say the least. During this 4 hour nap, I had a dream. In this dream, I was the owner of an electric blue Mini Cooper. That is my absolute favorite car ever next to one of those VW hippie vans...and Kia Souls! The dream was so real, and there was so much disappointment when I woke up. I've got to start writing down my dreams now that I think of it. They always seem to escape me when I want to share my sleep thoughts with someone.

Flight of the Conchords is always a day brightener when the clouds seem to overpower any rays of sunshine. They are from New Zeeland, and I am in love with them! I really encourage people to check them out when they have a chance. Just remember that I have an odd sense of humor.

There is so much on my mind right now; I might go crazy. There is a slight chance that I have already made it there, but I like to be optimistic and say that being crazy isn't bad at all.

There are all of 2 people that read my blog. (two people that I know anyways.) Sometimes I don't mind this. I'd rather tell complete strangers about my life over the internet anyways. Isn't that how most girls do it? Whoa. Just kidding. I am not most girls. Most girls are stupid. This is simply an escape.

Lately, my blogs have been extremely drab. At one point, they were super awesome. There was something that made my brain create such an amazing museum of words for the public eye. Now, I'm not really sure what that was or where it went. Pardon me for the next few months while I find myself and the words that used to make me sound half interesting.

My attention span is abou...

Oh, how I wish I could concentrate enough to remember what it was I was going to type..

I lied....I remember what it was.

My spotify playlist has been set to jazz. Jazz makes me smile and it reminds me of why I like the saxophone.

Maybe tomorrow night will be a better night for my brain.

Sitting, waiting, wishing,...should be sleeping,
Emily Page.

P.s. While re-reading this, I realized that some of the things I said made sense in the order they're in, but it wasn't meant to be that way. For now, I will keep it the way it is. It makes me giggle.

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