Monday, January 23, 2012

Sliver of Myself

It's hard to explain a girl like me. Some may use the word crazy, or even weird. I am perfectly okay with either. The word I like most to describe myself is "accepting." With each and every day, there are new stereotypes created only to make the world a harder place to live in...harder for people to show love. No matter how people choose to live their life, I will still love them the same. I've been in hard situations where people realize that I don't support what they do, but in the end, they come to see that I'm still there to love them.

Trust is something I have a hard time with. There are many people who have blown up the idea of something so sacred. Most of my "friends" think they can break trust right in half then go ahead and scoot their way around it. They think I don't notice, but little do they know. A lot more goes on in my brain than people think. Nobody really knows me like they think they do. I wish they would just read what I have to say. Then and only then will they know what 's on my mind. Speaking what I feel out loud is hard for me. I feel like I have a limited audience, and this audience is still hard of hearing. The only ones that listen are the ones that already know. They are the smart ones. Everyday is a new learning experience. I learn who I can and can't trust, and I learn all about how people's brains work these days. It's really quite interesting.

Aside from everything else, I absolutely love having fun and being positive! Dancing is something I find myself doing even when there is no music to dance to. When there are moments of silence, I like to break out in song hoping someone's day might be a smidgen brighter. Smiles are great, and I love seeing them as well. Sad faces make me upset, and being upset is never fun! I'm all about fun!

There is much to learn about me for those who would like a lesson, but until next time...

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