Friday, February 10, 2012

Unknown Inspirations

You could most definitely tell that today was Friday. The morning had a late start, but it turned out pretty okay in the end. My first two classes were simple, but band class was another story. I don't know what it was about this morning, but we did not play up to our musical standards. It's disappointing having days such as this to say the absolute least. I'm not even sure why we sounded so off today. Maybe it was because we tuned our instruments. Generally, we don't do that, because it's good to practice listening and becoming in tune with the simplest of embouchure changes. Hopefully Monday is a better day.

The hair competition only scoots closer and closer with each minute that passes by. I'm not even going to say that I'm the least bit excited. For some reason, being in this Cosmetology class has wrecked me. I don't even enjoy doing my own hair as of late. It's but a phase. I'll get over it quick, fast, and in a hurry. The only reasoning behind me not doing my hair is because I don't sleep at night, and I'm too tired when I wake up in the morning. I'll start sleeping again eventually.

This morning, our Spanish sub taught us about Argentina. She studied abroad there. Everything she had to say was interesting, and I actually enjoyed the lesson rather than wanting to sleep. Might I say that Spanish class IS first hour. Spanish is a lovely language, and I'd love to speak it fluently. I'm getting there.

My research paper for English class is due in a little less than a month. I've decided to do some research on an African Politician. There is a surprising amount of excitement being shown for this. That's unexpected. I strive to do well, for it will be my last English project in high school.

Yesterday was a perfect day to go for a run. Soccer season is just around the corner and I need to be shapely. Monday marked my first actual run in months. I ran a mile, easily, but that's not good enough. I've got to run until I can't anymore. Six pack don't hold back. Also, I should probably work out along with these long distance runs. Running won't get me the abs I once worked for.
A muscle working massage is great after a long run. My massage therapist asked me what I needed work on. Naturally, my legs were sore after a first time run, so she worked out those muscles. I felt like a new woman. She must be a wizard, because my legs shouldn't feel this great right now. Maybe after a few more runs.

After a long afternoon spent at the hospital with my nephew, the end result is a headache. I was supposed to go to the best friend's house, but I'm not feeling so hott. On top of that, there's a freak storm outside, and the roads are all ice. The thunder also makes it a promising night. My sleep deprivation is getting to my head. Sleep is probably the best choice anyways.

Tomorrow is Saturday. Waking up bright and early on a Saturday was the last "to-do" on my list to check off. This week is snowcoming week, and the seniors have to work on their banner tomorrow for the class competition. It's the last competing we will do and the last spirit week we will have. This year is full of sad days. Oh, well. They give me something nice to remember. Our senior class is the best class ever in all seriousness. It's a good year to win. Just like junior year...and sophomore year...and freshmen year. Like I said, our class is awesome.

Not going to lie, this headache makes the world a brighter a literal sense. Everything is louder too. My fingers are pounding away at the keys on this keyboard, and I'm almost annoyed with myself. Now, that's a good stitch of pain. I do have to mention, it's been awhile since I've had a headache this severe. I'll live. Naturally.

Today was a good day, I guess. My mind is reorganizing, and I can actually remember what I wanted to say...Seeing how this blog is showing potential to be a bit lengthy, I shall begin again tomorrow. There is much to say, and my brain is finally back in my head. Curse the mindless Emily! I've got you now!

With so much more to share,
Emily Page.

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