Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog, #BecauseMarkSaidSo.

Dear blog site (even though blogging to someone/something is overrated),

It's been ages since I have had anything to make known to the world. My life is full of fun and excitement.

I wish that were a true statement. My life is just busy working on stuff for college. That's just around the corner, and I feel like I have little to no time to fit things in before it's too late. Really, I have all the time in the world.

High school just drags on. There's not much to say about it. The people there are awkward to be around...In other words...I'm the crazy one, and they think it's awkward. So really, it's not my fault. They need to be way more open-minded.

The man who hated my piercings mentioned that he is now getting used to them. It took time, but he finally became more of an accepting guy. That's just awesome.

My hair is red. This is one of the only colors I haven't had in my hair yet, and I've been told it looks great. That is fantastic, because I quite enjoy red fur. Not so much like a ginger though.

Soccer is going great. That is all I shall say, because I don't have any wood to knock on. It's my favorite thing in the world, so it better not be even close to terrible.

Tonight I am at a loss for words, but maybe I'll have something good to say tomorrow.

Promises always made, yet to be kept,
Emily Page.

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