Wednesday, March 28, 2012

These Days...Those Days...

Today was a great day to sleep in. I didn't finish my Spanish homework, and I fell asleep before I could get it done, so school didn't sound like the best place to go. There were moments when I thought I should have just went to school, but I have senioritis, and I couldn't help but remain motionless for this whole day. I couldn't even get out of bed. If my bed were a person, I could safely say that it is definitely my type. Oh, what a relationship we would have.

Speaking of relationships, I just can't seem to find one that makes me the happiest. It's really sad, but I guess it's all in God's time. Sometimes there are boys that come along and think that we have something going on, but we really don't. I absolutely hate that I can't have guy friend without them thinking there is more to our relationship than the "just friends" status. Grr. It's also very hard to find a nice Christian guy.

I do have standards, but they aren't even too high. I suppose making higher standards would lessen the chances of me finding the wrong guy and feeling bad when I tell him. This hurts my brain.

Very recently, I made friends with this very nice guy. He lives far away, but isn't that always the case? I generally only find nice guys from far away places. I hope that I have more to say about this lovely gentleman in the future.

Sunday is Winterjam! I'm super excited! This is what I need!! It will be that extra large boost that will help me on my walk with God! My life has needed a little bit of a crutch in the religious area. Actually, I need a wheel chair in that sense. I'm hopeful, and I have so many supportive people there to encourage me. It's the listening part that needs work.

Spanish homework is the last thing I want to do, but it's got to be done! I'M DONE WITH SPANISH CLASS! WHY CAN'T I JUST SPEAK SPANISH FLUENTLY?! Erm...uh...I mean, I love Spanish. I'd love it more if I already knew it.

Tonight I can't stop listening to my favorite Spotify station. It's full of Death Cab for Cutie, Zee Avi, Ingrid Michaelson, Gregory and the Hawk, Iron and Wine, and Nora Jones. I love these artists! They really strike my fancy.

So, what if I meet a very nice guy, but he doesn't believe in God. The Bible says not to yoke yourself with unbelievers, but he is so nice. I won't go against the Bible. I guess I just wish he was a Christian, because he is the nicest boy I have ever met. Maybe I could help lead him to Christ....but in that case, I don't want him to do it because that's what I want. As much as that is what I think is best, I want him to actually and truly believe that there is a God who loves us. It's very hard to promote that idea these days.

Trying to think right now is like  trying to use hash tags on Facebook. It just doesn't work out how I want it to. (Someone once told me that I was very clever with my analogies...that made me smile.)

Hmm..what if people don't even read what I have to say? Wouldn't that be silly?

This night has just begun, but it's as if I have completely forgotten how to incorporate grammar into my writing. Go figure...a lazy senior who forgets grammar.

emily page.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog, #BecauseMarkSaidSo.

Dear blog site (even though blogging to someone/something is overrated),

It's been ages since I have had anything to make known to the world. My life is full of fun and excitement.

I wish that were a true statement. My life is just busy working on stuff for college. That's just around the corner, and I feel like I have little to no time to fit things in before it's too late. Really, I have all the time in the world.

High school just drags on. There's not much to say about it. The people there are awkward to be around...In other words...I'm the crazy one, and they think it's awkward. So really, it's not my fault. They need to be way more open-minded.

The man who hated my piercings mentioned that he is now getting used to them. It took time, but he finally became more of an accepting guy. That's just awesome.

My hair is red. This is one of the only colors I haven't had in my hair yet, and I've been told it looks great. That is fantastic, because I quite enjoy red fur. Not so much like a ginger though.

Soccer is going great. That is all I shall say, because I don't have any wood to knock on. It's my favorite thing in the world, so it better not be even close to terrible.

Tonight I am at a loss for words, but maybe I'll have something good to say tomorrow.

Promises always made, yet to be kept,
Emily Page.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Should Be Writing A Research Paper, But This Is What I Do Instead.

Tonight was incredible. It's been awhile since I've had a great feeling in my soul. Receiving division I ratings was definitely a great feeling after the scores we've had in previous years at our band Festivals. Hurray for great musicians in this small town.

This was my last high school band festival, and it was a great finish.

I can't help but feel super hurt when I hear that someone whose been nice to my face for forever really, truly hates my guts. That's awesome news right before festival too. I mean RIGHT before. I was actually standing outside the warm-up room. They have been soooo nice to me, and I have been nice back with more love than I ever show toward anyone. I am absolutely disgusted with them, and it is imperative that I let them know how I really feel about them and how two-faced they are.

....really, maybe I should just keep my mouth shut.

After hearing such news, I went into a zone where I forgot my name, my location, and what it was that made me happy. My body went into zombie shock mode, and all I could do was stare at the floor. The words that I was supposed to comprehend made no sense to me at all, and my blurred vision only had focus on one spot of carpet.

I don't know why I let people fiddle with my brain like that. It's silly, really. Being "Emily" is not caring what people think and living how I feel life should be lived, but lately, Emily has been absent. Hopefully she will return soon, clear that absence, and be marked tardy instead.

Speaking about yourself in third person makes me giggle.

I've discovered that I enjoy coffee shops. If I could end each and every day with coffee, good jazz, a small laptop, glasses, and comfy clothes, it's quite possible that I have the potential to become an insanely chimerical writer. My girl Claire and I have already shown some great imaginative skills that we both possess.
Stories with rainbow smurfs, tree ninjas, karate teachers with monkey names, monkey kings, and many more interesting characters could develop into an advanced Dr. Seuss world. That, my friend, would be a chill life.

There is a mouse stuck on my bathtub drain. Silly little mouse! How in the world could it have come across such an immense obstacle? My sister may have drowned it, but we'll have to wait for its next cries...whether or not that happens will determine the fate of the mouse.

Twitter>Facebook....just saying. I haven't had very much math in my school year, so I thought I'd share some simple math for everyone. THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER.

That is all,
Emily Page.